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Skytrak+ Information FAQ's

Getting Started with SkyTrak+ and Original SkyTrak

Registering your SkyTrak+. The first step to using you're ST+ or ST is to register it to your account. Installing and Using the SkyTrak App. Once your device is registered to your account, you are ready to install the software and begin using it!

How to Connect Your SkyTrak Launch Monitor 5.0

There are three modes that you can use to connect your SkyTrak Launch Monitor to your device. Direct Mode. Direct Mode connects your device running the SkyTrak application directly to your SkyTrak Launch Monitor. This is done by connecting to your Sk

How to update to SkyTrak Version 5.0 or later

1. Uninstall the currently downloaded version of the SkyTrak application. Click your File Explorer icon at the bottom of your screen, on the Taskbar. Select your C drive on the left hand side, you may need to scroll down before it appears. Double-cli

SkyTrak Account and Device Registration

SkyTrak Browser. SkyTrak App. Follow next prompt when it asks to confirm your serial number. It will take you to clubhouse.skytrakgolf.com. Confirm that your serial number matches and then select your membership, or purchase one from your clubhouse p

Skytrak Practice Range Guide

Total Distance. Carry Distance. Average Total. Shot. Launch Angle. Back Spin. Ball Speed. Club Speed. Side Spin. Side Angle. Distance Offline. Max Height. Descent Angle. SkyTrak+ Club Metrics. Club Path. Face to Path. Face to Target. Shot Score

SkyTrak+ Software Playing Modes Guide

Practice. This mode can be enjoyed by all users. In this setting, you will be able to enjoy perks such as immediate feedback from your shots, track your performance over your shot history, determine strengths, areas to improve and patterns. Challenge

System Specifications for SkyTrak+

PC - Version 4.4.7. PC - Version 5.0 or later. iOS - SkyTrak Lite. iOS - Version 5.1 or later. Android version 4.4.7 - The following Android devices have been tested in-house and are officially approved for use with SkyTrak.In general, we have seen b

How to Check your PC Specifications for Windows PC/Laptop

1:Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete then press task managerOr2: Ctrl+shift+ESCThen press performance at the top right in Windows 10 or on the left on Windows 11You can check the CPU model at the top right of your task managerNext you will want to check Memory (R

Tips about the Battery life of your SkyTrak Launch Monitor

Protect your SkyTrak Launch Monitor

The best protection you can achieve for your SkyTrak Launch Monitor can be found at the below link. This case is a worth-while investment in keeping your SkyTrak Launch Monitor safe from direct harm as your warranty does not cover damage done by club

SkyTrak Launch Monitor Care Guide

If your SkyTrak Launch Monitor gets wet, wait for it to air dry completely. Do not use the charger if:. Cleaning your SkyTrak Launch Monitor:. As it has been mentioned, your SkyTrak Launch Monitor needs to be protected and this also includes external