Keyboard Shortcuts & TipsUpdated 2 years ago
24/7 Golf TGC 2019 Game Play Tips
1) To change your putting or chipping location in “Chipping Practice” or “Putting Practice”, press “E” on the keyboard and use your mouse to move location. Unfortunately the only view available is a “satellite” type view, so it can be difficult to pin point the exact location you wish to practice from
2) In game play mode, press “Q” to see ahead where you’re hitting to
3) Use the left and right keys to adjust aim, including on the green. You can decide to putt slightly let or right for putts with slight breaks, but for larger breaks I recommend using the arrows to aim, then putt straight
5) Bunker shots further than 37m from the flag and Light Rough adds 7% to your shot. Heavy Rough adds 14%. Bunkers within 37m of the flag add 40% to your shot
6) Fairway Bunker Shots require more loft than regular golf. From my experience, you cannot hit any club longer than a 7 Iron
7) Significantly uphill shots also require more loft than regular golf. Depending on the slope, generally speaking you cannot hit a 3w or 2 Iron as it will launch directly into the grass in front, then bounce straight up
8) To give yourself a mulligan during the round, hit the ESC button, then select “Rewind Shot”. IMPORTANT: IF YOU’RE PLAYING MULTIPLE PLAYER, AND YOU WANT TO GIVE SOMEONE A MULLIGAN, IT IS IMPORTANT TO WAIT UNTIL IT IS THEIR TURN AGAIN UNTIL YOU SELECT “REWIND SHOT”. For example, Player A hits a shot and they want a mulligan. It is now Player B’s shot. Player B should first hit their shot(s) until it is Player A’s shot again. Once it is Player A’s shot, select “Rewind Shot”
9) To practice the same shot continuously, or run an NTP on a particular shot, select “Auto Rewind”
10) Gimmes. In the main “Settings” menu go to “Gameplay”. Select “No Gimmes” for no gimmes. Select “Gimme” to set gimmes at 1.8m. Select “Distance” to add your own gimme distances, then adjust Gimme +1 and Gimme +2. If you want to set a gimme +1 distance only, set the +1 and +2 distances to the same length. Select “On Green” to effectively turn putting off, and adjust Gimme +1 and Gimme +2 to the distances for 1 putt and 2 putt gimmes
Keyboard Shortcuts
H = Hole flyover
Q = Scout Camera - Move camera to where the ball is supposed to land
E = Hole aerial view
V = View perspective toggle:
C = Hole data
A / Left Arrow / Right-click drag left = Aim left
D / Right Arrow / Right-click drag right = Aim right
Z = Change club down / Change Ball Position when in drop or unplayable mode
X = Change club up / Change Ball Position when in drop or unplayable mode
J = Hole flyover
G = Turn on/off green grid
F = Remove flag
I = Show ball/club shot data window
W = Move ball forward when in drop or unplayable mode
S = Move ball backwards when in drop or unplayable mode
R = Auto Rewind L = Show Lie grid
M / ESC = Main Menu ENTER KEY = advance hole when holed out / drop ball when dropping out of hazard (or after moving ball in practice area)
E = Green aerial view
Q = Scout camera
V = View perspective toggle: Standard > Aerial > Slightly Elevated > More Elevated > Standard
G = Green grid on/off
F = Remove flag (only possible if ball off the green)